Cyber Security

There seems to be a common myth among small business owners that their computers and information aren't what hackers really look for. They don't really have an interest in attacking the little guys. These assumptions have been proven to be wrong.

Studies have shown that cyberattacks target small business at a very high rate. In fact, the Verizon 2019 data breach investigations report has shown that 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses. The criminals who launched these attacks look for easily accessible data for their benefits. Data such as credit card details, customer contact information, or other personal information is what they strive for.

Why do attackers target small businesses?

Simple. Small business owners don't take cybersecurity very seriously, thinking their business is too small to attract any interest from criminals. This couldn't be farther from the truth.
No matter if you're in the health care industry or take payments from clients with credit card information, you have exactly what the cybercriminals want. They want credit card information and personal information from your health care records.

While large companies can afford to invest millions of dollars in cybersecurity software and protection, small businesses simply lack the capital to dedicate cybersecurity protections and advanced protocols. Hackers know this and take advantage of it.

If your small business gets attacked, it can cost you anywhere from $80,000 to $150,000. Other attacks may cost you more. A large corporation can easily handle a small attack such as that, however, it would cripple a small business. Reports have shown that 60% of small businesses close within 6 months after a cyberattack.

How can you defend yourself?

You need to be proactive and vigilant. You need to keep informed and understand how this happens, the real dangers, and the steps you need to take.
Here are just a few of the things you can do to protect yourself from a cyber-attack.