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6 Things Small Businesses Should Do to Handle Data Privacy Updates

cyber security

Title: Staying Compliant with Data Privacy Regulations: Essential Steps for Small Businesses


As data became digital, authorities recognized the importance of safeguarding it, leading to the establishment of data privacy rules and regulations to combat cyber threats. Today, numerous organizations are required to adhere to specific data privacy policies. This article explores the diverse regulations that impact small businesses, the consequences of non-compliance, and provides practical tips to help businesses stay up-to-date with evolving data privacy requirements.

1. Determine Applicable Regulations:

Ensure your organization is aware of the various data privacy rules it must comply with, such as industry-specific regulations, geographical considerations (e.g., selling to EU citizens), statewide or local jurisdiction laws, or federal requirements for government contractors. Identifying all relevant regulations is crucial to prevent unexpected compliance challenges.

2. Stay Informed About Regulation Updates:

Avoid being caught off guard by changes in data privacy regulations by regularly staying updated through official compliance authority websites. Sign up for notifications and updates related to each regulation applicable to your business. It is advisable to have multiple individuals, such as the Security Officer and another responsible party, receiving these updates to ensure continuity even during absences.

3. Conduct Annual Data Security Standards Review:

Perform an annual review of your data security practices to align them with evolving technology and ensure compliance. Even minor changes, like adding new servers or computers, can impact compliance requirements. Consider new devices, tools, or cloud services that employees introduce to your IT environment, and assess their potential compliance implications.

4. Audit Security Policies and Procedures:

Regularly audit your security policies and procedures, which outline employee expectations and guidelines for data privacy and breach management. Conduct audits at least annually, or whenever there is a regulation update, to incorporate any necessary changes. By doing so, you can ensure that your policies align with the most recent compliance requirements.

5. Update Technical, Physical, and Administrative Safeguards:

Plan ahead and update your technical, physical, and administrative safeguards before new data privacy regulations come into effect. Review and enhance systems, devices, software, policies, manuals, training programs, and physical security measures to align with the updated requirements. Proactive compliance is preferable to reactive measures.

6. Provide Ongoing Training on Compliance and Data Privacy:

Ensure employees are aware of any changes in data privacy policies that affect their roles. Incorporate updates into regular cybersecurity training sessions to enhance their understanding and preparedness. Maintain a training log, documenting the date, employees trained, and topics covered, which can serve as valuable documentation in the event of a breach.


Navigating data privacy compliance can be intricate, but small businesses need not face the challenge alone. Our knowledgeable team specializes in compliance needs and is ready to assist you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and ensure your systems meet the necessary compliance requirements.

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